Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Jumpboard Class!

Everybody loves the jumpboard! Jumpboard class is a great way to combine a reformer workout and a cardio workout into one! This class incorporates hand weights and fun choreography in a flow pattern that includes core, strength and stretching. You will get an Intermediate/Advanced workout on the studio reformer that will expand your repertoire and challenge you. I will guide you through innovative, creative workout that will work your entire body!
Call for an available spot: 479.462.6839 Previous classes/privates recommended.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pilates Push-Up and Grasshoppers??

The upper body can be a major weakness in women, and Pilates is a great way to tone and define the upper body. Pilates works all the muscles in the upper torso and arms, but I find it definitely tones and defines the deltoids, triceps, and chest beautifully. One of the many great exercises in Pilates is the push-up. The Pilates push-up is different from other techniques of push-ups for a couple main reasons. First, getting into the plank position you start standing and you end standing. Second, the elbows graze along the sides of your body instead of pointing outward east and west. THINK OF THE ARMS LOOKING AS IF THEY WERE GRASSHOPPER LEGS NEXT TO THE BODY.

To start this exercise:
1.Stand with arms overhead and your powerhouse engaged (draw your shoulders down your back, away from your ears).
2.Initiate from your powerhouse as you roll down until your hands touch the mat (or fingertips if you are working on your flexibility)!
3.Then, walk your hands out in four “steps” into plank position. Align yourself in one straight line, from the crown of your head to your heels. Hands should be directly under your shoulders.
4.After “walking out” into plank form, begin lowering yourself down to the floor with elbows grazing the sides of the body. Press yourself up. Wash, rinse, REPEAT!
5. To end your push ups, lift your hips up to the ceiling, round your head toward your knees, walk your hands back toward your feet in four “steps,” and initiate from your powerhouse to roll yourself to standing.

I like to end a good mat class with this exercise. My mat clients have learned to love these push-ups because the next words out of my mouth when they finish is “ Great job, YOUR’RE DONE!”

Benefits? The elbows tight into the sides of the body creates MORE TRICEP WORK, MORE BALANCE (think: less of a stabilized position with hands closer together), and MORE SHOULDER AND TORSO STABILIZATION...and its JUST PLAIN HARDER! Give it a try!
Want even more of a challenge? Try it while raising one leg, but don’t lift those hips while in plank position!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What is Pilates?

The Pilates Method
Pilates is a method of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900's. Pilates consists of around 500 exercises that focus on STRENGTH, STRETCH, and CONTROL of the entire body. The movements are flowing, precise, energizing, and challenging. Performing these exercises results in long and lean muscle definition, increased flexibility and balance, body awareness, endurance, increased coordination, and one good looking core!

Pilates helps: Golfers improve their game
Runners, cyclists, skiers, and tennis players reduce risk of injury
Women prepare for a healthy pregnancy
Bad backs decrease tightness/tension by building strength in the core muscles
Older adults improve balance and joint health

Experience the benefits of Pilates for yourself! Call 479.462.6839 or email Mention this blog and receive a $30 introductory session for free!